For our pupils, the opportunity to experience new cultures whilst continuing with their education is unparalleled. Students are actively encouraged to travel to our sister schools, either as part of an organised group exchange, or to stay longer and study for a term or more at another school. All senior pupils also have the opportunity of taking part in InterSEK – a global sporting and cultural competition.
The IES Teacher Exchange encourages the exchange of ideas and concepts across the group with teachers travelling to our sister schools to provide mentoring whilst at the same time developing and informing their own learning.
The IES network, combined with the benefits of the SEK group of schools, really does provide its students with a truly global perspective on their education – giving them experiences and opportunities which will help define their futures.
We could never have imagined, when we enrolled our 2 year old daughter into Nursery at St John’s, the incredible world of opportunities that St John’s would open up. It is not only the students whose lives are enriched by the international students that visit St John’s, sharing their languages, all-embracing enthusiasm as well as cultural diversity. As a family our lives have been enriched…. It has been very rewarding to watch these worldly friendships flourish and I believe these wonderful opportunities are unique to IES.
InterSEK is an annual sporting or cultural competition which is hosted by different schools in the IES/SEK group each year. Participants from more than 20 schools around the world meet in the host country for a week of sporting or cultural challenges.
IES is a global education group with schools in the US, South Africa and across Europe. It is also part of a wider network of SEK Schools and Universities in Spain and South America. This network extends the opportunities for all IES students to travel and study around the world.
St John’s regularly participates in Teacher Mentoring Exchanges with teachers travelling to South Africa, Slovenia, Hungary and Florida to take part in and run mentoring programmes and regular Skype lessons with sister schools such as Boca Prep in Florida.
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